AJAX, stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, which is a term describing a web development technique for creating interactive web applications using a combination of: HTML (or XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheets for presenting information Document Object Model, JavaScript to dynamically display and interact with the information presented XML, XSLT and the XMLHttpRequest object to interchange and manipulate data asynchronously with the web server.
It is referred to an image that changes over time. A simple example is the logo on the top right of this page where the blue dot revolves round the globe every several seconds.
Short for Active Server Pages that is used for creating dynamic content of a web page. Technically said it is a server side scripting language. It is mostly used on Windows platforms.
Back End: The server process that happens behind the scenes of a website. The backend is the process that serves the information to the end user and interacts with a shopping cart, for example.
Bandwidth: The amount of data or information that can be transmitted through your Internet connection.
Banner ad: An advertisement on a Web page that links to an advertiser’s site. Ad banners are the most common unit of advertising on the Web and cost anywhere from free to upwards of $15,000 per month depending on the amount of page requests the Web site receives. The standard size for an ad banner set by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) is 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high..
Branding: A marketing concept used to create a greater awareness of your company's products and services. Companies that are interested in branding try to get as many Web users as possible to view their banner ads and logos, with less concern for the number of clickthroughs to their Web sites.
Browser: A software application used to display Web pages. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla are examples.
Bulletin Board: An online forum for a threaded conversation. Users can browse through previously posted messages or add their own message.
Campaign: Refers to the schedule by which a banner ad will run or fly.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI): A CGI script is a small program that results in an action based on the user's input.
Chat: Allows Web surfers to "speak" to one another on a real-time basis. Generally, messages typed in can be viewed immediately.
Clickthrough Rate: The percentage of Web visitors who actually click on a banner ad to get to a Web site. Clickthrough rates vary from as low as 0.1 percent to 1 percent for Run of Network campaigns, to as high as 3 percent to 5 percent for more targeted campaigns.
When your site is hosted on a co-located server, an Internet service provider (ISP) provides high speed Internet access for a Web server that you provide and set up. Generally, the ISP is responsible for making sure the connection is up, while you are responsible for making sure the site works.
Web sites use browser-assigned cookies to collect user information and to deliver customized content.
Cost per clickthrough to your site.
Ads are charged at their rate of impressions, or amount of times the ad is viewed by Web visitors, usually in groups of 1,000.
A special way of organizing computer data. It looks like a table implemented columns and rows for fast accessing data from any of the cells in the table. There are many different types of databases but all of them work on the same principle. Databases are very useful for storing and organizing data for later retrieval. Very often used for managing accounts, managing user information, creating guest books and bulletin boards, even this page (dictionary) is implemented with database.
A type of telecommunications service in which a high-speed open connection is maintained between two points.
When your site is hosted on a dedicated server, the Internet service provider (ISP) provides a NT or UNIX server and connects it to a high-speed Internet network. All you have to do is develop content for your site and install the necessary applications on the server.
Directory: A term describing the hierarchical structure used to organize files or folders. The first directory in any file is labeled root directory. You may be familiar with the Windows back slash (/) which is the symbol for root directory.
A web page that supports interactive discussions by users. Users submit text content using a form, that is saved on the server and that way make it available to other visitors.
The Domain Name System which identifies each computer as a network point on the Internet using an internet protocol address systems to translate from domain name to IP and reverse.
Domain Name: Domain names identify Web pages. For example www.platgroupng.com is a domain name. Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which top level domain (TLD) it belongs within, such as:
A web address, also called a URL, is actually a sequence of numbers called IP Addresses. Your web server translates these numbers into your domain using a Domain Name System (DNS) server.
Downloading is the method by which users access and save or "pull down" software or other files to their own computers from a remote computer, usually via a modem.
Downloading is the method by which users access and save or "pull down" software or other files to their own computers from a remote computer, usually via a modem.
Web pages that are automatically generated based on user input and activity.
E-Commerce means conducting business on the Internet. It is mostly referred to buying and selling items on line.
Email Client: The software your computer uses to access your e-mail, for instance, Microsoft Outlook.
A way of coding the information in a file or e-mail message so that if it is intercepted by a third party as it travels over a network it cannot be read. Only the persons sending and receiving the information have the key and this makes it unreadable to anyone except those persons (your browser does it automatically).
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): File Transfer Protocol, most commonly used to download or upload files to a server.
A way to ensure that data on a Web server or connected computer will not be available to anyone on the Internet. Firewalls block outsiders from accessing private information or altering your Web site.
Browser independent vector and graphic animation technology owned by Macromedia Inc.. Most browsers support Flash technology and one flash animation looks the same on all browsers.
The part of a website that the end user interacts with. You are interacting with the frontend of Adrial Designs right now. A site's backend is the part behind the scenes that takes care of interactions with a database or shopping cart.
GIF: Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a bitmapped graphics file format used on the Web. The color space is limited to 256 colors and therefore GIF format is best used by solid colored graphics and some illustrations but is not recommended for photographs.
It is a first page (also called opening page) of a Web site.
Host Server or Web Site Hosting: A computer that stores the files that make up your web site.
Hosting is a service provided by hosting company. That's a place (a computer available on the Internet) where web site is stored and made available to web site users to view the content of that web site.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML): HyperText Markup Language, used to create documents on the World Wide Web. It defines the structure and layout of the document using tags and attributes.
The protocol used to access pages across the Web.